MindStyling for Entrepreneurs

Kerstyn and Suzi's top tip: Don’t kitchen-sink: keep it simple. Start with the problem - it's all about that.

Dr Becky Sage and Amy Armstrong Season 2 Episode 48
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00:00 | 19:13

In today's Top Tips episode, Amy and Becky reflect on Kerstyn and Suzi's warning:

"Don't kitchen-sink it: keep it simple. It's all about the problem."

We muse how easy it is as entrepreneurs and instinctive innovators, to try to do everything, and be everything, to everybody.  Instead we think about:

  • How to say no, and prioritise effectively.
  • Finding the sweet spot where the needs of your customers, the needs of your audience, and your own needs overlap.
  • The power of mastery and getting really good at one key area of focus

Amy asks, when you say yes to one idea, what are you saying no to?  The 3 P’s can help you refine your focus and clarity on how to organise your resources:

  • Projects: What projects do you need to abandon or postpone? What meetings will you no longer attend? What resources do you need to divert to the yes? 
  • People: What expectations do you need to manage? What relationships will be affected? 
  • Patterns: What habits do you need to break? What old stories or dated ambitions you need to update? What beliefs about yourself do you need to let go of?

Finally, Becky flags the importance of taking others with you, and nurturing relationships when you implement change.

Do you share our tendency to 'kitchen-sink' it?  How do you get clear on what to say yes to, and therefore say no to, too?  We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences.  Please rate, review, and subscribe to The MindStyling podcast and newsletter.

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Host: Amy Armstrong
Website: https://amyarmstrongcoaching.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amyarmstrongcoach/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/amyarmstrongcoaching

Host: Dr Becky Sage
Instagram: www.instagram.com/drbeckysage
Twitter: www.twitter.com/becky_sage
Website: www.beckysage.com

About MeeToo, founded by Kerstyn Comley PhD and Suzi Godson
Website: https://www.meetoo.help/how-meetoo-works